How To Improve Productivity At Work: 7 Effective Ways

Improve Productivity
Improve Productivity

Every task has a deadline that is necessary to meet. But, sometimes you may feel lazy and unproductive especially when you have a huge workload. In this scenario, it is essential to improve your productivity otherwise you will no longer be called a good professional.
In this blog, we have comprehensively explained 7 effective ways to improve productivity at work.

What Is Productivity?

Improve Productivity

Productivity refers to how effectively individuals use their time and effort to achieve goals or complete tasks. It measures the amount of work or output produced by individuals relative to the time and resources they invest. Higher individual productivity means more tasks are completed efficiently within a given time.

In the context of a business; productivity measures how well a company converts resources like labor, equipment, or money into products. It shows the efficiency of a company’s production by comparing the number of products made to the hours worked or by linking sales to labor hours. Higher productivity boosts corporate profits and shareholder returns.

Productivity includes the capability to maximize the results from limited and fewer resources such as time, energy, materials, etc. Productivity does not mean working hard, it means working smart. It usually involves:

  • Optimization of working processes.
  • Using technology.
  • Managing time.
  • Non-stop improving methods to secure better results.

7 Best Ways To Improve Productivity At Work

Improve Productivity

There are multiple ways to enhance your productivity but, in this section, we have added 7 ways. Let us explain them one after one.

1. Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking involves working on more than one project or task at the same time. Avoiding multiple tasks is one of the most effective ways to improve productivity. 

According to research: Multitasking results in a loss of employee productivity by up to 40%.

Some Useful Tips

  • Focus on a single task: Instead of doing multiple tasks simultaneously, focus on only one cornerstone task at a time. It will help you pay full attention to a single task.
  • Mindfulness practice: You should be mindful of your ideas and thoughts while working. If you notice yourself tempted to switch tasks, redirect your focus back to your single task immediately.
  • Allocate your time: Specify your time for different types of work. During each part of the time stay you need to be focused on the designated task solely without deviation.
  • Set clear aims: Set a specific aim or goal for each task, doing so will clarify what to do.
  • Evaluate productivity level: You need to evaluate your work habits and productivity level. 

2. Remove Distractions

Another way to improve productivity is by removing distractions. Identify the things that distract you whether, it is a notification from mobile, any notice, etc

Beneficial Tips to Avoid Distraction

Below we listed some tips to guide you on how to avoid distraction while working;

  • Breaks: Taking breaks can freshen your health and mind which will help you to focus more on your work.
  • Distractions free-zone: Choose any specific area and a specific time when you face minimum or no distractions.
  • Set a perfect goal: Understand what you want to finish each day split into small and maintainable steps.
  • Organize boundaries: Communicate to others when you need endless time.

3. Take Care Of Yourself:

Health is wealth and with bad health, you can’t do your work properly. So, if you want to improve productivity then you will have to take care of yourself.

Beneficial Tips:

Below are some beneficial tips you must follow;

  • Get enough sleep: Make any specific time in which you will forget all your work and just sleep. If you do not rest then you will lose your health and be unable to work properly.
  • Eat healthy food: Have foods full of nutrients and carbohydrates which will maintain the growth of your brain.
  • Manage anxiety: Practice depression management techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and exercise to reduce tension levels.
  • Be active: Charter the regular physical activities in your routine to keep yourself energetic.
  • Be hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water every day,  it will support cognitive functions and overall health.

4. Better Communication

Better communication is reciprocal to better productivity. If one wants to improve productivity level then he/she should concentrate on communication to make it better. Here we suggest some strategies to enhance your communication skills:

  • Active listening: Understand the speaker’s message clearly without interrupting. Make a reflection on what you have heard that assures clarity that you are engaged.
  • Enquire questions: Ask different types of questions to clarify the information. It will demonstrate that you have understood everything clearly.
  • Feedback: Give feedback in a very respectful manner.
  • Technology: Use communication tools such as instant messaging, video calls, and email for sharing information and collaboration.
  • Nonspeaking communication: Make your body language and facial expressions better which will show your freshness to the listener and enhance your confidence level.

5. Decorate Your Workspace:

Additionally, you should decorate your workspace which will attract you and will force you to spend more time there. Decorating the workspace can boost your productivity if you follow several strategies:

  • Perfect lighting: Sunlight or natural lighting is ideal so, keep your table near a place where you can easily find sunlight. If you can’t do so, use different LEDs in your room or workplace.
  • Greenery environment: Plants and flowers can freshen you by giving fragrance and fresh air. Further, a greener workplace can attract you toward it.
  • Declutter: A clutter-free space removes distractions and helps you pay attention to your work. Use trays, and shelves to keep things orderly.
  • Use motivational arts: Hang up motivational and inspirational charts and pics on your walls that will urge you to focus and work hard constantly.
  • Reliable seating: Use ergonomic chairs for sitting that support your postures and permit you to sit comfortably.

6. Pomodoro Method: 

In the 1980s Francesco Cirillo organized the Pomodoro technique which is the time management method and very essential to boost your productivity. Below are several strategies to have command of this method:

  • Set a timer: Make sure that you have a task and you have to finish it in 20 minutes 30 minutes.
  • Work on only tasks: Devote yourself completely to your work until the alarm rings, without any interruptions.
  • Have a short break: After completing the Pomodoro time take a short break to make you fresh and then again come to work and your tasks.
  • Repeat: After break time start another Pomodoro session. After its completion, have a longer break than the first time to make you recharge.

7. Blockup Your Calendar:

One of the most powerful ways to enhance productivity is to block up your calendar. It involves scheduling time slots for different tasks and activities. To enhance productivity here you can effectively block up your calendar following several strategies:

  • Recognize your task: Make a list of the tasks you have to finish, then identify your specific work related to personal activities.
  • Involve buffer time: Include buffer time between different types of work to account for unexpected delays.
  • Categorize tasks: Make a schedule for challenging tasks when you are most alert.
  •  Be hard on your schedule: Serve your calendar blocks as appointments with yourself. Try to avoid distractions during task sessions.


Improving productivity at work is about working smarter, not harder. By avoiding multitasking, removing distractions, taking care of your health, enhancing communication, decorating your workspace, using the Pomodoro method, and blocking your calendar, you can significantly boost your efficiency and effectiveness. Implementing these strategies will not only help you meet deadlines but also ensure a healthier and more balanced work-life.

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